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[bash] Move maps to a new copy of Nexuiz
06-02-2008, 08:24 PM (This post was last modified: 06-02-2008 08:32 PM by -z-.)
Post: #1
cool [bash] Move maps to a new copy of Nexuiz

To make upgrading easier, I've created a bash script to move all pk3's except [b]common-spog.pk3[/b] and [b]data[0-9]{8}.pk3[/b] to a new copy of Nexuiz.


1. Save the following code as [url=][/url] in your [b]Nexuiz data directory[/b].

# - 06/02/2008 - v0.8
# Tyler "-z-" Mulligan of
# Used to copy all packages minus the common spog and data pack to a new dir

# Destination folder name, should be in the same directory as this Nexuiz' parent directory
echo "Where are these bad boys going? (Name of the new Nexuiz directory)"
read destination

# Copying or Moving?
echo "What action would you like to perform?"
PS3='Enter a #: '

# bash select
select action in "Copy" "Move"
  echo "Preparing to $action!"
  break # Break, otherwise endless loop

# Check for valid folder name - nohacksplz
if [[ $destination =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$ ]]; then

    # Prepend the double drop

    # Check to see if the destination directory exists
        if [ -d "$final_destination" ]; then

        # Create temp directory for common-spog.pk3 and data pack
        if [ -d "temp" ]; then
            echo "/!\ Directory \"temp\" already exists (but that's okay!)"
            `mkdir temp`

        # Get the name of the data pack and move it with common-spog.pk3
        datapack=`ls |grep 'data[0-9]\{8\}'`

        # If you already moved these, it'll break here.  Let the script do the work.
        `mv $datapack temp/`
        `mv common-spog.pk3 temp/`
        # Perform the action
        echo $action"ing pk3's to \"$final_destination\""
        if [ $action == "Move" ]; then
            mv *.pk3 "$final_destination"
            cp *.pk3 "$final_destination"

        # Clean up - Move common-spog.pk3 and data pack back to the data dir
        echo "Removing temp files"
        `mv temp/* .`
        `rmdir temp`
        "/!\ Destination does not exist \"$final_destination\""
    echo "/!\ The destination \"$destination\" failed the search pattern \"[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+\""

exit 0

2. chmod it so you can run it
chmod +x

3. Grab a copy the latest Nexuiz build and extract it to the same parent as the one you're upgrading from:

4. Run it

5. Answer the questions.
Where are these bad boys going? (Name of the new Nexuiz directory)
What action would you like to perfom?
1) Copy
2) Move
Enter a #: 1
Preparing to Copy!
Copying pk3's to "../../new_server"
Removing temp files

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08-25-2008, 11:04 AM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2008 11:08 AM by esteel.)
Post: #2
RE: [bash] Move maps to a new copy of Nexuiz
In case the server is running on Linux/Mac one can also put all the .pk3 files into ~/.nexuiz/data that way those files will be used regardless of which server version you install. For windows it uses c:\Documents and Settings\User\My Games\Nexuiz (if i remember correctly) either when the current user can not write to Nexuiz\data or used the parameter -mygames at startup. Or you can specify a complete path to use for the 'nexuiz user directory' with -userdir PATH (this works for all three systems, mac, linux, windows)
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08-25-2008, 01:08 PM
Post: #3
RE: [bash] Move maps to a new copy of Nexuiz
To be honest, this script is quite outdated. It was written to help myself learn to script bash. I've science accumulated a wealth of knowledge and techniques that could help improve this script... but it's been over shadowed by my unreleased server management tool.

However, it's still a useful script.
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