Nexuiz Ninjaz - Practicing the Ninja Art of Nexuiz

Full Version: NN Servers -- From an admin point of view
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I guess my plan here is to offer a resource to speak admin to admin to others. I'll post updates about the progress of the servers or various things I'm working on related to them.

I'm currently going through the process of upgrading the quake3 conversions maps on the NN servers to the _fix version. I haven't completed the scripts that will automate this process yet but using some clever regex, I was able to generate the files to help in the process.

Remove old maps (Click to View)
Get new maps (Click to View)

I thought other admins would be able to benefit from these files or this process while the tools that'll make such tedious tasks a thing of the past are still in development.

I literally copied and pasted the text from [url=]alphagod's user page[/url] and ran the following find/replace regex:

find: (.*)pk3map-.*
replace: wget\1pk3

find: wget*)_fix.pk3
replace: rm -v \1.pk3
Hello NexuizNinjaz.
My nickname is Art or miracle and I'm a part of minsta clan (Prophets).
But I'm not only minsta player, I like race as well.
As for me, your [NexuizNinjaz] - Race - best public race server, so I play there last 3-4 months.
All is really cool but only one question: Are any admins looking for peace at server??
Because last days Jack(Jackson)[Cow force] and cantip[c force] block the game by their votes, beacuse usually 2 their votes is enough to accept... So they choose some stupid map and vote for extending match time many times... and after that make some shit and even don't try to finish a map.
They destroy fun for others Icon_sad

P.S. Sorry if I choosed wrong place for my post...

Thanx For sharing...

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